New Midwifery Birth Centre in development for Bentley Hospital

Bentley Hospital will become the first public health service in Western Australia to offer women a new, contemporary midwife-led maternity service.
  • New Midwifery Birth Centre being developed at Bentley Hospital
  • Will incorporate a new, contemporary model of care not previously available in WA
  • Recruitment now underway for Endorsed Midwives to provide continuity of care
  • Cook Government announces $2.6 million funding for further planning and design

Bentley Hospital will become the first public health service in Western Australia to offer women a new, contemporary midwife-led maternity service.

A new Midwifery Birth Centre is being developed, which will offer women in the Bentley Hospital catchment area the option of care by the same Endorsed Midwife for the duration of their pregnancy.

The Cook Government has today announced $2.6 million to design, build and fit-out the clinic.

Recruitment will now be undertaken by the East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) for staff to work at the new service, in an important early step for this exciting project.

Endorsed Midwives, who will be employed by the Royal Perth Bentley Group, are highly skilled health practitioners who have undertaken additional training. They can order tests and ultrasounds relating to pregnancy, birth and the newborn period, prescribe medications and can refer women and babies to obstetricians and paediatricians as needed. 

They also provide pregnant women with comprehensive care across the duration of their pregnancy, labour and birth, and postnatal period. Each pregnant woman is allocated the same Endorsed Midwife for the duration of their care.

Currently, women who choose to access this model of care throughout their pregnancy and birth are limited to privately practising Endorsed Midwives, which comes with out-of-pocket expenses.

The new birth centre will include antenatal assessment rooms, a family room, birth suites and a midwives' hub, with networking capability to share live birth data with other sites within the EMHS area.

There will be two new birth rooms - both incorporating a birthing pool – within the new centre.

It is anticipated that the new service - which will be open to expectant women of maternal age 18 to 40 who are deemed to be low risk according to national guidelines – will open next year.

Comments attributed to Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson:

"What we hear time and time again from WA women is that they want options when it comes to birthing, and the Cook Government is listening and acting.

"We know how important continuity of care is to patient outcomes and wellbeing and this new Midwifery Birth Centre will connect women with an Endorsed Midwife who will be with them for their entire pregnancy journey.

"We are also investing in new facilities to ensure the clinic has the latest facilities, including antenatal assessment rooms, a family room, birth suites and a midwives' hub.

"Endorsed midwives tell us that they want to practise to their full scope and the Cook Government is supporting them to do so in our public health system."

Comments attributed to Victoria Park MLA Hannah Beazley:

"The new Midwifery Birth Centre is a fantastic initiative that will offer birthing women the kind of care they have been asking for.

"I know as a mum of two – that it is optimal for women to give birth near home and supports. This new maternity service is a great win for our electorate.

"Women will have access to upgraded facilities plus comprehensive care across the duration of their pregnancy, labour and birth as well as postnatal period, thanks to the Cook Government's investment in this important project."
